

2017 JUMPING CAMP DATE - AUGUST 7th - 11th - $700.00+GST

(Intermediate - Advanced riders ONLY. MUST be able to walk/trot/canter, and have at least trained over cross rails.)

This camp is open to Guys and Gals ages 10+, who have at least an intermediate level riding ability! Limited horses available for use!!

We have a structured lessons plan to help you and your horse gain the knowledge needed for the jumping world! During camp, we will be doing two lessons a day (weather permitting of course). Morning lessons will be on the flat, afternoon lessons over fences. We will have a fun show at the end of the week where ribbons from 1st - 5th will be awarded. The show will consist of flats, 2',2'3,2'6, and 3' hunter and jumper classes (heights may vary - depending on the group of riders we have at camp).

It is going to be a blast, so please hurry and get your registrations in to hold your spot! 50% deposit required to hold your spot. Please visit the Camps page for the registration form.

If you need any information or have questions - please email us at

**NEW** - Cross Country Course in the works for 2017! 

Keep your eyes peeled for updates. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at t_l_o_a_h or on Facebook at